Creating GOOD Rails APIs

Cory Rosser
3 min readOct 24, 2020

What makes a good API?

A good API has 4 traits

  • predictable and consistent: code reuse for API endpoints.
  • static: an API should not change in a breaking way.
  • simple and clear: an API should return what’s expected.
  • flexible: easy to scale and maintain

Why Rails?

RubyOnRails is mostly known for rapid agile web apps development. Following the current trends, Integrating a front-end framework has become challenging and even time-consuming.

In fact, modern web app architectures nowadays consist of a client app that consumes a JSON API. Indeed, Rails 5 introduced the API mode; A bootstrapped skeleton for API only apps.

The framework may not be as “cool” as it was before. But, it has matured and evolved accordingly with action cable, turbo links 5, etc.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will be building a public API with a single resource: Articles

API Versioning

API versioning is mandatory only if :

  • You are introducing breaking changes features.
  • Your client apps are installable whether on mobile or desktop.
  • Other developers will rely on your API.
  • You are shipping features gradually.

Step 1: Create Rails API Skeleton

Open your terminal and type:

rails new [api_name]  — api

Step 2: Versioning your API

We wanna access our API via /api/v1 URL . First, let’s create the missing folders.

mkdir app/controllers/apimkdir app/controllers/api/v1

Step 3: Scaffold a resource

Open a terminal and execute Rails commands.

rails g scaffold Article title:string content:text slug:stringrails db:migrate

Step 4: Move the resource controller to its respective folder

mv app/controllers/articles_controller.rb app/controllers/api/v1

Step 5: Update The controller

We will add the namespaces prior to the class name and update the URL helper in the create method.

Step 6: Update the route file

Open config/routes.rb with your text editor. Delete the resource line.

resources :articles

Then add the namespaces. The final route file should look like the following

Rails.application.routes.draw do namespace :api do  namespace :v1 do   resources :articles  end end# For details on the DSL available within this file, see

Step 7: More resources

You can repeat steps 3 - 6 for as many resources as you want.

Step 8: Try it!

We will start by seeding the database. Open db/seeds.rb and create a record:

Article.create(title: ‘Hello world’,content: ‘lorem ipso’,slug: ‘hello-world’)

Then run:

rails db:seed

Start the server:

rails s

Open the browser and go to:


You can use Postman or curl to interact with the API.

Going further and scale

Congratulations! you have shipped your first API. But this is only the beginning. Here are some things you need to consider:

  • Unit Testing: The scaffold by default provides a set of basic test cases. However, when it comes to building real products writing custom test cases is essential.
  • Authentication: in case your API is private.
  • Hosting: I highly recommend Heroku.
  • Serializers: to control the output of the API responses.

